Midnight Memories Review (reposted)

Hi guys!

I already made and published a review when the album was first leaked, but after listening to it everyday for almost a month, I have something more to say.

First of all, I’m still impressed with some of the songs. I knew these boys had the talent to bring out something good for their third album, but I didn’t think they would distance themselves so much from the teen pop that has made them so big.

They’ve taken their risks.

And indeed, the biggest risk they’ve taken is that of lacking energy. But, even after many months, I still think this is their best work. And I don’t understand those who say they’re not being fans anymore because the boys are commercial.

Like, did you notice that only now?


It’s clear that “Best Song Ever” was put in there to reaffirm the fact that they are teen idols. And to not disappoint the younger fans. But it gives a false impression on what their third album is: a pop record with folk and rock veins.

It is, indeed, a nice album for a boyband.

I think its success consists in the major involvement of the boys.

In particular, Liam and Louis have been heavily involved with the writing of this album. I really appreciate this.

I’m not saying this is the best album you will ever listen to or that this is the best they can produce. As a listener of good quality music, I think they’re still really far from producing a great pop record. 

But I never thought they would make this jump. Today I am so proud of them.

imagine dancing with harry in the club like

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