Louis and Zayn caught up… in a cloud of smoke.

“Smoke weed everyday” sang Nate Dogg along with Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg. Well, that may become Zouis’ new motto as the pair got filmed (more precisely, Louis filmed Zayn) sharing a joint.

Now, of course this isn’t the most shocking thing that’s ever happened in this fandom, if you’ve been here for a while.

Fans had the feeling that Zayn and Louis smoked weed, they have always had it. Also, the boys had already been caught smoking pot.


What is making people concerned and upset, more than the weed, is the talk the boys are having.

In particular, Louis’ harsh words against the police and a possible use of a racist slur.

First of all, this video got leaked. I don’t know where it appeared first, I thought it was the Daily Mail Online to publish it, but some people have been saying it had already been on the web.

This is transcript of Louis and Zayn’s ride (it may contain errors, it’s from the Daily Mail site)

Louis and Zayn leave the underground car park as they head to the stadium for the concert:

Minder: Well we got a full chicken.. we can take this to Jamaica, we don’t have anything in Jamaica set up

Unknown male: Are we allowed to talk contraband in this?

Louis: Yes of course. That’s what it’s about… Where’s the lighter? Can anybody pass me a lighter please? I want to light up. You got a lighter?

After much searching, Louis can be seen lighting up and heard coughing

Louis: So here we are, leaving Peru. Joint lit. Happy days… What do you think Zayn? About that kind of content?

Zayn: I think it’s very controversial

Louis sees a police motorbike rider escorting their convoy

Louis: ‘That’s the police. That’s the po po… Nice. I’m trying to blow it into the camera. Smokescreen baby!… That’s just Zayn warming up there before the show. Zayn takes his job very seriously. He makes sure he goes through a two-hour intense warm up regime before every show, just to get himself in the zone. One very, very important factor to Zayn’s warm up, of course is Mary Jane herself. In fact I’m presenting it to him now for some fantastic singing

Louis passes Zayn the roll up cigarette

Louis: How is it Zayn?

Zayn: Nice

Louis: That’s the po po. One nil

Louis starts filming out the window

Louis: Get a bit of the culture. How’s that kind of culture?

Zayn: It’s great culture this. It’s going to be even greater culture when we get to Jamaica

Member of crew: I just got an update. We got chicken in Chile

Zayn: Chicken in Chile! Chile chicken

Louis: Yeh baby. That’s the po po. Two nil

Louis puts on an exaggerated dopey voice and sways the camera around:

Louis: F***ing ‘ell bro, I’m chillin. Oh my God bro. My ‘ed’s a wreck

Louis: It’s green only! Nig!

Louis: I’m just wondering now. I’m sitting here in Peru wondering will this come back to me? Who knows? Maybe, maybe not

Another police bike passes:

Louis: One nil b***h! Look at this b***h… He’s having a look. He’s thinking. I’m sure I can smell an illegal substance in there. And he’s hit the nail on the head

Zayn: Carl showed… me Kid Rock’s last book. And it’s about twice the size. Hard back. Black. Simple writing. No bulls***. No like ‘My favourite colour’s blue.. And all just sick pictures

Louis is passed the roll up by a crew member and zooms in on it:

Louis: Ooo Stubbsy!

If you haven’t seen the video yet, I can assure you that Louis is really annoying in this. He could be dropping the ‘n’ word, even if it wasn’t bleeped. That’s weird, because it’s a well-known racist slur.

Somebody said that maybe he is saying “Nick”, but again I don’t know. If he truly used the ‘n’ word, I can’t defend him, no matter what my opinions on the issue are.

Video: Zayn and Louis share a joint.

Anyway, here come my considerations.

The boys smoking pot? Not a big deal.

I know some of you may be upset about this, but almost everyone in the showbiz has used/makes use of drugs. Weed is the least dangerous thing out there, trust me.

I won’t say smoking weed is good or bad, that is your own choice.

Louis’ words.

Now, here comes the hardest part.

If I have to look at this objectively, this video should have stayed private (unless the “leak on purpose theory” is real) and he was somewhat high. On the other hand, this shows that Louis has a real lack of awareness regarding the matter. If he used a racist slur, he made one huge mistake and should apologise.

I also didn’t like his behaviour towards the police. But, again, he’s a 22 years old boy. And many boys in their twenties are literally this stupid. Being all “fuck the police”, “ACAB” makes them feel cooler, when in reality it only makes them look idiots.

Another thing that can be bothering is the chicken. It’s usually a term referred to drugs (usually cocaine), but then again they could have been talking about anything else, so take it with a grain of salt.

The “leak on purpose” theory”

The most interesting part of this story is: who the heck leaked this video?

Some people have been saying management, other people Louis himself.

I think their management knows how bad this can affect their public image. Because it’s all about that, their public image. They have a target, and that target also includes children. Now, a video about them (and I’m upset you can mostly see Zayn smoking, because that’s what is going to stay impressed) smoking weed and talking contraband, police, drugs, merchandise and stuff is not the best thing.

On the other hand, when stuff on a private phone gets leaked, there’s always a reason behind it.

The Sun: Zayn and Louis in drugs video shock

Some people say, this is a plan to get dropped by their actual management.

I don’t truly have enough information to go deep into this theory, so I will leave the hint here.

Edit: I suggest you to read this interesting article from The Indipendent. It deals with PR stuff, saying this could be a PR move to give more credibility to the band. I want to remind you that what they were doing wasn’t illegal in Peru.

One Direction’s credibility will hit new highs

To conclude: we need to wait. Smoking weed is the least controversial thing on this video, as you can see and hear. We all need to chill out. I also would like to point out how none of the boys is perfect.

We all make mistakes. They all make mistakes. We all fuck up at times.

That’s it. Niall fucked up. Harry fucked up. Louis fucked up. Zayn fucked up. Liam fucked up.

This could be for PR. If that’s the case, I don’t agree with this move even if, to be fair, it’s got a sense.

The boys’ public image’s narrative is clear: they do what the heck they want. 

Now it’s even more credible.

They tried to reaffirm this concept with the movie and, let’s be honest, they truly consider what fans think and say. Fans know that Zouis smoke weed. It goes along with their narrative and public image.

I say this with no intent to justify anyone. Just making things clear for some fans.

On a good note, Liam unfollowed that revolting idiot that is Perez Hilton. 


Says everything, really.

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