Liam Payne (once again) speaks up.

Today was a weird day, to use the words of mr Payne.

The weed scandal plus the racist slur and the police crap were devastating and, of course, people on social media went mental.

However, on Twitter they went totally out of control. 

Not only soon after the video leaked a troubling #cutforzouis tag got out, but things went even worse when a #SkinFor1D appeared among the worldwide trending topics. The trend idea was to show off skin to support One Direction (that’s a fucked up idea, I know) and some girls started sending pictures of their arms. Legs. Stomach. Until the tag was full of pornography.

That’s when Liam stepped in to save the situation.

At first, I didn’t know what the tweets were for. I mean, I hadn’t seen the trend #SkinFor1D and I was completely oblivious. 

But then Liam kept tweeting.


And still I thought he was completely out of his mind. Then somebody brought up that trend, and it was just as bad as it sounds.

He wasn’t trying to draw the attention away from the Zouis debacle, he was trying to stop young girls putting their nudes online in the name of One Direction.

Now, I don’t care if it was management to ask him, or if he didn’t want his name to be associated with kids pornography: he was the only one who literally put his face out there (and, obviously, got shit for doing that).

When he saw the situation just got worse and worse, he asked for help.

On a personal note, I am tired of the shit this boy keeps getting for being frank and bit naive.

This was a good thing. Niall then helped him posting a picture of Harry, but still Liam was the only one to directly address the problem.

This is just a quick update, so I’ll let this post do the rest



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