We love our boys footballers.

I love football.

For you American people, I’m talking about soccer (of course).

And our boys, being smart lads, love football as well.

We already know Louis is almost a professional football player and boy, he rocks that jersey.

We also know that Harry, being a white girl (just kidding), went shopping instead of visiting the Boca Juniors stadium in Buenos Aires. He’s a crazy/lazy ass, isn’t he?

They had also prepared a Boca shirt for you, Harry. Shame.

Anyway, since I love football and I love our boys and I’m really envious they got to visit “La Bombonera”, I’ll dedicate this post to Football!1D.

Shit just got real.




Okay, Harry. We didn’t forget you.

Even if you’re not that good.

Here, here. Give us a hug.


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