Liam James Payne is the man.

After giving us a precious gift, the so long desired personal Instagram (@fakeliampayne), and crying during the first WWAT date while singing “You and I”, Liam is again in our thoughts for some mysterious tweets. 

Of course, people have been wondering if “Sophiam” is over. Liam had already tweeted some hints on a possible break-up between him and Sophia, but these tweets look like more than hints.

Our Payno looks a bit sad these days and fans (remembering for once how he has always defended the fandom) created a beautiful trend for him on Twitter: #cheerupliam.

Amazing, isn’t it?

I’ve always been a big fan of Liam, I’ve always appreciated his honesty and his spontaneity. So I find the trend really cute and appropriated, he deserves it.

What he doesn’t deserves is seeing things like these on a trend that should cheer him up.

I don’t really understand what this fandom gains acting like this. 

Yes, the tweets could be about Danielle. They could be about Sophia. They could also be some new lyrics from the new album the boys are writing.

But be smart: if Liam has really broken up with Sophia, why should he be happy seeing this crap? 

Sometimes I wish this fandom was more sensitive about these things. What if Danielle is still getting over Liam and he’s thinking of Sophia or anyone else? What if Danielle has finally moved on? 

I won’t even comment on the kidney bullshit, because if you are smart enough you will draw your conclusions.

Anyway, the important thing is that let’s-hate-on-Liam-Payne trend is over.

So #CheerUpLiam!

 Collegamento permanente dell'immagine integrata


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